... and with that, my favorite guilty TV pleasure. Hubby escapes to the farthest regions of our abode and puts on headphones. The cat starts pulling out his fur again. The fish? Desparately try to throw themselves against the aquarium walls. And why? Because of this...

Hell's Kitchen! Yes, it's horrible, overblown, FOX reality TV (chef wannabes vie for the chance to run one of British potty-mouth chef Gordon Ramsay's restaurants). Yes, it's absolutely, pathetically predictable (the risotto! nobody EVER gets the risotto right!). Yes, the contestants are often morons who crack under the pressure like a badly cooked quail egg. Yes, a lot of the lines look like they've been taken out of context or even scripted, and there's a ton of commercials during that hour.
And yet... it's SO bleeping funny! The swearing! The sweating! The crying! The dramatic voiceovers - the announcer actually introduced Gordon Ramsay with "The Dark Lord Has Returned!" The delightfully horrible concoctions those guys cook up (today, somebody's "signature dish" contained scallops and white chocolate shavings, among other, unspeakable things). Ah, fun!
And yet... it's SO bleeping funny! The swearing! The sweating! The crying! The dramatic voiceovers - the announcer actually introduced Gordon Ramsay with "The Dark Lord Has Returned!" The delightfully horrible concoctions those guys cook up (today, somebody's "signature dish" contained scallops and white chocolate shavings, among other, unspeakable things). Ah, fun!
Who says women are only attracted to aholes? Not me, oh no, not me . . .
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