Santa-Cali-Gon Days in Independence

We ventured out to Missouri to visit this giant craft fair/carnival with lots of food booths ("Walking Taco", anybody?), live music, contests and all the Kevin Federline - lookalikes you can stomach (I really, honestly had thought that the whole "pants on the ground" look had become outdated, but was proven terribly wrong...).
Santa-Cali-Gon, of course, stands for the Santa Fe, California, and Oregon trails that the early settlers departed on from Missouri (duh!).
It was fairly crowded, but manageable, the weather was perfect, and the four large craft tents were actually quite interesting - lots of affordable jewelry, and weird, random stuff like painted coconuts made to look like puffer fish. I had an Italian brat with onions that was fairly tasty, so I'd call this venture a full success!
Another cool thing we saw on our way out of Independence was an awesome spirally temple; too bad it appeared to be closed.

Santa-Cali-Gon, of course, stands for the Santa Fe, California, and Oregon trails that the early settlers departed on from Missouri (duh!).
It was fairly crowded, but manageable, the weather was perfect, and the four large craft tents were actually quite interesting - lots of affordable jewelry, and weird, random stuff like painted coconuts made to look like puffer fish. I had an Italian brat with onions that was fairly tasty, so I'd call this venture a full success!
Another cool thing we saw on our way out of Independence was an awesome spirally temple; too bad it appeared to be closed.

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