Kraft Werke

(get it? Works of Craft?) A little memory kickstarter for this and that, crafts and cooking, shoes, ships, sealing wax...

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Bad blogger! Bad blogger!

... oh, and happy belated Valentine's Day to you. I've been incredibly lazy with my blogging (and I know the statistically exactly 1.5 people who visit this site daily are horribly disappointed. What I'd LIKE to know is, who is that 0.5 person? A midget? Somebody with a really, really slow internet connection? Hello, INSA?)

So... Valentine's Day. This year, Krispy Kreme Donuts offered special heart-shaped donuts. Unfortunately, somebody at the store must have been on a sugar high (or low) and gave us 11 instead of a full dozen donuts. Yes, I'm talking about you, Krispy Kreme in Overland Park! I'm pointing fingers! (*actually, those heart donuts weren't that great. I prefer the cream filled ones with, like, 500 calories more*).

Also, roses and a HUGE, padded (?), red, chocolate filled valentine's heart were received (and ungraciously accepted in typical German manner - "baah, AMERICAN chocolate??" - Smooches!).

Me, I bought some "warm apple pie" scented soap for my apple pie lovin' sweetie, AND baked the best apple pie of my life. I have a thing with baking pies from scratch, the crust is never baked right/too dry/overworked. I guess the combination of the right recipe *sings the happy "You Can't Go Wrong With Two Sticks Of Butter" song*, and a better oven (heat from above AND below! Oh brave new world!) made it just right. Buttery, flaky crust, cinnamon-y apple filling, hmmmh....


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