Kraft Werke
(get it? Works of Craft?) A little memory kickstarter for this and that, crafts and cooking, shoes, ships, sealing wax...
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Daytrip to Konza Prairie, Kansas
Two hours west of Kansas City is where the prairie begins... or rather (since it's May and we had a lot of rain) green hills as far as the eye can see... alternately evoking comparisons with the Swiss alps (but a little less hilly) or Ireland (but with less drunk Irishmen). The Konza Prairie Biological Station (that's what it's officially called) is part of the Flint Hills and basically a huge chunk of tallgrass prairie (there's even a herd of buffalo, although in a not publicly accessible part).
We took a 3 hour hike along one of the hiking trails and I loved it - the husband mostly enjoyed the fact that we saw a weird lizard (a "horned lizard", apparently) and that we had packed snacks and plenty of water...