Kraft Werke
(get it? Works of Craft?)
A little memory kickstarter for
this and that, crafts and cooking,
shoes, ships, sealing wax...
Gorillaz - Stylo. Awesome music and video.
First Day of Spring, yayyyyy...
Kitty is content:

Buddha Head says: "SNOW? You have GOT to be freaking KIDDING me!"; Snail (to the left) says: "Mmphhhh!".
Yay! Hubby's Birthday!

Made a "Frankfurter Kranz", aka a Frankfurt Crown Cake - yellow cake layers filled with and covered in buttercream and topped with almond brittle. Not quite as fluffy as it probably should be, and slightly nausea inducing due to the massive amounts of buttercream, but hey, it was my first try!