Kraft Werke
(get it? Works of Craft?) A little memory kickstarter for this and that, crafts and cooking, shoes, ships, sealing wax...
Monday, July 30, 2007
Saturday, July 28, 2007
I *heart* kittycats

K, one more:

Monday, July 16, 2007
One Art, Please!
Well, this was at an ill-lit conference room at the Doubletree. I was fully expecting horribleness, Chinese mass-produced roaring-deer-in-forest landscapes. And I was not disappointed. However, they actually had some acceptable stuff, too, like Van Goghs and Monets (I'm a sucker for the Impressionists). We ended up with a (not quite sofa-size) sunflower painting. The green, when looked upon in broad daylight, turned out not to be my favourite shade of green, but I guess it's not bad for 50 bucks, and it'll fit nicely over the dining table. And hey, it's a real oil painting! (Although the guys framing and selling the stuff looked and behaved like carnies - "Hey, baby, you got a boyfriend?") Very entertaining, though, and a good way to spend a Sunday afternoon away from the 90 degree heat - thumbs up, Doubletree, great air conditioning!
*edit: I've just found this article on the Starving Artists by art historian Dr. Lori. Now I feel bad.
Saturday, July 14, 2007
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
New Catalogue from CB2
CB2 is Crate&Barrel's little, design-oriented brother. So far, they only have two stores in Chicago (a new one will open up soon in NYC) but there's always online ordering and their fabulous catalogues. I love that you can get a whole lot of design for little money (those blue "Comma" appetizer plates? 95 cents!). Check out the "Sale" section!
Sunday, July 08, 2007
Live Earth 2007
Did everyone go and exchange their lightbulbs for eco-friendly ones? How about plastic bags? We use two folding crates for our groceries and are getting less and less incredulous "you-guys-are-freaks"-stares from the supermarket baggers. Ikea and The Container Store used to sell these shopping crates, but not any more, it seems. Weird. (The Container Store still sells folding crates, but only ones with a lid (?) or with wheels (???). Not very handy.)
Here's a band I particularly enjoyed:
Crowded House - Better be home soon