Kraft Werke
(get it? Works of Craft?) A little memory kickstarter for this and that, crafts and cooking, shoes, ships, sealing wax...
Friday, June 25, 2010
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Yoplait Greek Yogurt Review and Giveaway!

Now, I've had plenty of other Greek yogurt (like Fage, Chobani, Oikos and Dannon) before, and just LOVE the stuff. Greek yogurt is yogurt that has been strained, so it's thick, creamy, fat free, all-natural, high in protein, yummy! That's why I was a little (very) surprised at the texture of Yoplait's version when I finally bought it - it was totally, weirdly chalky, and the honey wasn't a separate layer but instead all mixed in and didn't really taste very much like honey. Also, a look at the ingredients was rather disappointing - gelatin? added vitamins? weird "milk protein concentrate"? blargh. Anyway, Yoplait Greek comes in three flavors (Strawberry, Blueberry, Honey Vanilla) and plain, so I'll be sure to test out the other ones... maybe.
Aaanyway, the spa gift pack was REALLY nice, and MyBlogSpark allowed me to have a GIVEAWAY for a second package (including two free coupons) on my blog!
UPDATE: Congrats to winner Karen! Sorry to everyone else who left a comment or emailed me; keep an eye out for other MyBlogSpark giveaways in the blogosphere; they ROCK!
Sunday, June 13, 2010

Heaven: Freshly baked Yogurt Oat bread, slathered with butter and German Tartex "Primabella" vegan paté. Wish they'd sell that stuff here at Whole Foods.