So we got thrown out of the World Cup in the last two minutes (we would have made it thru the penalty kicks, I'm sure!), and yes, W. didn't win me any more stuffed animals at yesterday's Village fair / Carnival / Food Fest / Fireworks, and yes, I almost froze to death at 60 degrees (15 C) waiting for the fireworks to start, but how can you be unhappy when you look at this Wee Bunny face?! (by Candlestring).
On the bright side, they had pretty decent Gyros and wonderfully gross cheese fries at the food fest, and a weirdly, hilariously horrible live band playing U2 songs, hillbilly style! And people drunk off their butts from too much Miller Lite, haha! And the fireworks, oh, the fireworks! I love fireworks. They had some all new kinds that were all blinky (like a giant bug zapper) and shot up a ton of those for the finale. I should have taken a video with my camera but only managed to take some crappy pictures: